2023-09-03 13:29:32
我们从优质的文学作品中得到启发之后,需要记录在读后感中,确定好读后感的主题之后,一定要围绕这个中心展开写作,以下是精心为您推荐的瓢读后感英文读后感精选6篇,供大家参考。 瓢读后感英文读后感篇1 i’ve been wondering where one’s childlike purity has gone when he or she grows up. to find the answer, i read the little prince, which is a fairy tale for adult and fable about life, written by antoine de saint exupéry. the story of the little prince is about a prince from an asteroid named b-612, which is a fairly small one, with three volcanoes and a rose on it. the prince spent his days caring for his "planet", sweeping the volcanoes and pulling out the baobab trees that would make his little planet turn to dust if they were not removed. however, he was lonely. he watched the sunset every time he was down. he had seen the sunset forty-three times in a day, for endless loneliness and sadness filled up his heart. fortunately, a beautiful rose enriched his life. she loved the distressed prince, while the prince loved her sincerely as well. unluckily, the sensitive prince once doubted about love due to the rose’s anger, and he left his rose as well as his planet to start his lonely journey. after visiting six other asteroids, he came to the earth. he met a fox and tamed it. it was the fox who taught the prince that his rose was in a class by herself. the prince began to realized that he was tamed by his rose, he responsible for her. as a result, he was eager to see his rose again, but he found himself unable to leave the earth. finally, the prince chose to go back to his asteroid with the snake’s bite, though he felt afraid of pains. every time i read the little prince, i am moved by the prince’s attitude toward the world. it is his attitude that brings my sincerity and innocence back. because of the story of the little prince, i have learnt to live a peaceful life with hope, gentleness, touching, and responsibility about tameness in my heart. 瓢读后感英文读后感篇2 ?jane eyre》is a great novel which was written by charotte bronte,the famous woman author,in1847.jane eyre was an orphan and she have to lived in her aunt’s home. she was terribly treated by her aunt.she is longing for freedom.after graduated from lowood,a boarding school,she became a tutor and began to teach in thornfield.at thornfield,the owner of the hall,mr.rochester and jane began to love each ether.but when they were at the wedding,someone brought a message which said that mr.rochester has married.jane got a shock and leave mr.rochester.after suffered much misfortune.she became rich and gentility.but she went back to the side of mr.rochester who needed help and love. jane eyre is neither gentility nor beautiful at first.but she is full of love and abhor evil as a deadly foe.she excused her aunt and mr.rochester.she pursued true love,so she refused st.john’s proposing.jane eyre’s rough live was very similar with charlotte bronte’s.charlotte used jane’s mouth expatiated her idea-freedom,true love,equality,respect.and peaceful life.these seems easy to get,but they are the most valuable things in the world. 瓢读后感英文读后感篇3 陶行知先生是我国近代最具有影响力的教育家、教育思想家。他也是最具有批评精神和创造精神的教育开拓者。他博大的教育思想,求真的教育实践,行知合一的师德风范为我们树立了光辉的榜样,不愧为是“伟大的人民教育家”,“万世师表”。 “生活教育理论”是陶行知先生教育思想的主线和重要基石,它的精神内含十分明确,即大众教育——为了人民的解放、人民生活的幸福。 “千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。”陶行知先生这一至理格言,这是我们“教书育人”的永恒主题。 “捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去。”这是陶行知先生的座右铭,也是他一生献身人民教育事业,寻求探索中国教育之光明大道的生动写照。他认为教师应“发前人所未发,明今人所未明”,提倡教师做一个学生思想和求知的引路人,不做一个教书匠。 “人生天地间,各自有秉赋,为一大事来,做一大事去。”这是陶行知先生作的《自勉并勉同志》诗。他自己的一生正是不断追求真理,学做真人的典范。陶行知先生的教育思想与实践,为我们留下了一份宝贵的精神财富。我们要学习他高尚的道德情操,研究他丰富的教育遗产,以全面提高自身素质,使自己成为心灵世界的开拓者,智慧田野的播种者,人类文明的传递者。面对教育的改革,新课程、新理念,每一个教育人都应该冷静地思考自己的教育、教学行为,我们的办学行为。负责地对每一个孩子的一生负责,为孩子的成长、为孩子的发展,认真履行教师的职责。 一、实施爱的教育 “捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”,这是我国著名教育家陶行知先生毕生从事教育事业的真实写照。爱的教育是教育的基本原则和方法。陶行知先生的“爱满天下”更把爱的教育发扬光大。教师对学生的爱在教育中具有重要的作用。教师对后进生应有要有一颗爱心,它不埋在胸膛里,而应擎在手上,高高举起,让学生看得见,摸得着,时时感觉到。老师对后一进生更要倾注真诚的爱心,使学生感到老师的亲切、集体的温暖,从而树起生活的信心,提高学习的积极性。 在爱的教育中,培养学生爱的情感,用爱的情感帮助学生塑造人格。如开展“我与父母通信”活动,使学生们感受父母的爱,从而培养学生爱父母、爱他人的情感。情感是理智的基础,善良的心和爱他人、爱祖国的情操也是创新智慧的心理基础。 二、实施生活教育 陶行知生活教育理论内涵十分深广,而生活教育理论是陶行知教育思想的.主线和重要基石。陶行知提倡生活就是教育,就是教育的内容。他的生活教育从内容上看是动态的,随环境和不同受教育者的变化而变化。在生活里找教育,为生活而教育”的观念相当明确。根据陶行知先生的“教学做合一”的理论“教的法子根据学的法子:学的法子根据做的法子。事怎么做.就怎么学,就怎么教”,而教学的中心是“做”即实际生活。 三、实践创新教育 创新教育是教育观念,又是具体的教学思想,它只有化作具体的教育教学的操作方法才能够实现。但教育教学无定法,因此它又是一个长期的实践过程。为此,今后我更要认真学习陶行知教育思想与现代教育思想,更新教育观念,牢固树立以素质教育为核心的基础教育主流价值体系观念,提高实施素质教育的自觉性。以陶行知先生为楷模,学习他高尚的人格品质,求真求实求创造的教育理念,成为敬业爱岗、师德高尚、业务精良、创新务实的教师,为培养学生成为“真人”,并具有创新精神与创造能力的一代新人而努力工作。 陶行知教育思想是宝贵的经验和财富,是我们学习、研究、继承和发展的永恒的课题,是创造型教师及专业发展义不容辞的责任。 瓢读后感英文读后感篇4 i was very favor of a section of music in its balls. it’s pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. regarding to the characters, i liked elizabeth, the he-ro-in-e,though i didn’t think she’s beautiful. but she’s smart. however, i didn’t pay much attention to the plot. i thought it’s so long that it made me impatient and bored. by now, i haven’t read the whole story in english or its chinese version, either. i owe it to my prejudice. in fact, i didn’t understand the story at that time. i didn’t know why it called pride and prejudice. of course someone was pride, but i didn’t find where’ s the prejudice. i thought it’s normal, the way people treated each other in that. i considered prejudice would be very disgusting. but to the movie everthing was ok in my minds, except its length. now, i think i have understood more about it. i’m a prejudiced person so i can’t find where’s wrong. i merely like to do the things i like. everytime i meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time. 瓢读后感英文读后感篇5 在读这本书之前,我是一个对书没有兴趣的人,一次偶然,让我有机会翻开了这本橙色封面的书,翻开了,就欲罢不能了。原本以为以这样一个有意境的题目命名的书,应该展示的是一幅唯美的画面,然而情况却完全相反,这是一部震撼人心的作品,读过之后,我的心久久不能平静。 ?追风筝的人》讲述的是一个阿富汗少爷阿米尔和他的仆人哈桑之间的点点滴滴,也是阿米尔对哈桑从犯错到后悔再到去设法救赎过程的描述。书中的每个人都有他们各自的特点,阿米尔、阿米尔的父亲、哈桑、阿里、拉辛汗,他们每个人都有他们各自的人性的闪光点。从阿里的身上,我看到一种忠诚的尽职尽责,这在哈桑身上也有同样的体现,他对阿米尔少爷的保护,甚至就算牺牲自己的生命也毫不犹豫,这似乎已经超越了忠诚这个词的界限,这是真正朋友之间的两肋插刀,又或许这是这份同父异母的兄弟之情的本能反应,无论是那种,都体现了哈桑的那种人性的光辉,一种无私的付出。 而在阿米尔一直为自己的怯懦,自己的自私而愧疚时,哈桑却早已原谅了他,没有再提起以前的事,仿佛一切都没有发生过一般,照片上的他依旧笑容灿烂。而这本书的主人公,也就是阿米尔,虽然他曾因为太过怯懦,太过自私而犯下一些可能永远弥补不了的错,但他却始终背负着这个罪责,说明他还是一个善良的人。在书的后半部分中,主要讲述了他救赎自己的过程,他得知哈桑是自己同父异母的兄弟后,悔恨万分,不顾自己的生命危险去救自己的侄子,这正是一种自我救赎的表现。 人犯错并不可怕,可怕的是不知道自己错了。书中有句话让我印象深刻,"当罪行导致善行,那就是真正的获救",人的一生难免会犯错,面对这些过错,我们不应逃避,而是试着去弥补,即使永远都弥补不了,但至少一些善行能让自己解脱一点,心安一点。这正是我从阿米尔身上学到的,故事的最后,阿米尔还在追逐那只人性的风筝。 读过《追风筝的人》,我从阿米尔身上学到要将罪行转化为善行,从哈桑身上,我学会了"为你,千千万万遍"。我也开始追逐起了那只能点缀我的生命,让其大放异彩的风筝。 瓢读后感英文读后感篇6 i remember that night, holding the moon and sixpence, and looking out the window at a bright full moon, i thought, is it worth pursuing such a moon? "the moon and sixpence" is a story that seems close to madness to ordinary people. a middle—aged successful banker abandoned his wife and daughter to pursue his dream of being a painter. but he didn't want to be famous, he just wanted to paint, and he ended up burning all his pictures. why is he doing this? he could live very well, very well, and live on sixpence, because the moon in his heart, has been guiding him forward, the moon should be pure, she also wanted to be like the moon, so he raised his head. he began to pursue his dream of being a painter, was stigmatized, abandoned his wife and children, he ignored. it takes a lot of courage. but few people in reality have the courage to pursue their dreams like this banker. dream, just like the bright moon is out of reach, someone wants to fly into space, but when he sees the tedious astronaut training, he lowers his head to pick up the sixpence; there is a man who wants to make a name for himself, and when he sees the dull and difficult facts in a book, he looks down and picks up the sixpence; a man wanted to be a doctor, but when he saw the doctor's hard work, he looked down and picked up sixpence. i think six is to refer to the ordinary and vulgar people, those people saw the moon, but flinch, in the heart want to do a vulgar people how? they live in such an ordinary way, but, no dream of life is meaningful? the pursuit of courage is valuable, so successful people are few and far between. but courage is not enough, you also have to have wisdom, morality, and a pair of eyes to see through the world. a banker is one of those people who, like the buddhists, pursue only his dream and drive out all other distractions. there are many temptations, fame, money, success in the eyes of others. even fewer people put distractions and temptations to the back of their minds. therefore, those who pursue their dreams are happy people; truly pursue the dream of the people is qinghuan; he who gets his dreams is the successful one. people in the world have different spiritual levels, but everyone has different pursuit, i hope that everyone in the world can live a successful life in their heart. |