2023-02-18 11:28:14
导读: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!今天,作为一年二班的学生,我有幸代表一年级新生发言,心中倍感激动。首先,值此教师节来临前夕,我代表全体入学新生,向各位辛勤的老师们道一声:亲爱的老师,节日快乐!初次走进新学校的教学楼,整洁明亮的学习环境令我们耳目一新;老师们无论是严肃或是和蔼的音容,都在向我们传递着殷切的期望;同学们不管是原来相识或是初次相逢,都是那么的亲切无比。面对这可爱的校园,我们禁不住要...... 在现在的社会中,需要用到致辞稿的地方会有很多,致辞稿是能够提现你良好人格魅力和形象的,今天就为您带来了英语致辞稿6篇,相信一定会对你有所帮助。 英语致辞稿篇1 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天,作为一年二班的学生,我有幸代表一年级新生发言,心中倍感激动。首先,值此教师节来临前夕,我代表全体入学新生,向各位辛勤的老师们道一声:亲爱的老师,节日快乐! 初次走进新学校的教学楼,整洁明亮的学习环境令我们耳目一新;老师们无论是严肃或是和蔼的音容,都在向我们传递着殷切的期望;同学们不管是原来相识或是初次相逢,都是那么的亲切无比。面对这可爱的校园,我们禁不住要大声说:多好啊!我们的新家! 在快乐的同时,我们也知道,生活中新的挑战也开始了。昨天,我们还是小学生,很多事情要依赖父母和老师。现在,来到了中学,我们要学会自强、自立,功课上要养成自学的习惯,生活上要学习自理的能力。老师和父母为我们搭起天天向上的阶梯,勤奋攀登的脚步却只能靠我们,一步一步从头迈起。 我们是快乐的少年,来到学校,我们更要成为遵守纪律的典范。热爱祖国,树立正确的人生观,不接触不健康、低级趣味的东西;学做品德高尚的人,诚实守信,尊敬老师,礼貌待人;勤奋学习,按时到校,上课专心听讲,勤于思考;遵守公德,关心集体,爱护公物;坚持体育锻炼,讲究卫生,积极参加学校组织的各项活动。 我们要以自己的实际行动,做一个有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的合格学生,给学校和家长一份满意的答卷。 谢谢大家! 英语致辞稿篇2 the three years of junior high school are coming to an end. in retrospect, when i first entered school, everything was so strange. now, everything has changed, become so familiar, so kind, happy song and laughter become the best memories. now, we should strive for our ideals. tomorrows rainbow is described by us, and tomorrows world will be dominated by us. believe in yourself, as long as we work hard, tomorrows rainbow will be more colorful, tomorrows life will be better. three years of junior high school life is coming to an end, the memory of just entering the campus so naive, carefree. now i have become so sentimental, worried that i could not get the ideal school. the teachers who have been with us for the past three years, they are so unselfish, gave our hearts to us, for us to break hearts, to think about the parting, is really a little reluctant. but what can be done about it? as the saying goes, "there is no feast". it always has to be separate. three years of bitter and sweet bitterness have become the past, and that past, will become a kind of memory, our hearts forever together! now we are about to graduate from here, go to the next starting point, no matter go to where, we will not forget the precious friendship of the classmate, will never forget the teachers to inculcate, will not forget this three years of success and setbacks. in these three years, we not only learn, but also taste life, feel life. remember, the teachers earnest expression in class and the eyes of the students; remember not, the sports meeting we sweat, hard struggle; ever remember, the success of the podium with the innocent smiling face; do you remember the words that were encouraged by the teacher when we failed, warm our lost heart, let us regain confidence, and continue to be confident and brave to go on. because of the teachers teaching and encouragement, we can only walk to today, we can be proud of our class. 英语致辞稿篇3 after graduation, is it goodbye or goodbye? last year, today, we are looking at the students who are graduating from the first three years, with an envious eye. when we are about to leave, we will not know what it is like. these days before graduation, time passes like quicksand, it looks like a long time, but now and then there is no time to die, want to retain, a hand, limited time is slipping away in the fingers. some memories, we have not forgotten, but because the years have forgotten! there are stories that we dont mention, or cant remember, until one day, when we look back, we realize that weve lost too much of those days that we spent together, that life, its not coming back. one day, well be gone, maybe later, because of time, we cant be with anyone? but if one day, i think of you, the memories that linger in my mind; some are disappointed and some are happy. if one day we meet in the street, it is a surprise to us, so i firmly believe that we will meet again. my friends, work hard for your dreams! success belongs to every student. 英语致辞稿篇4 the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement. love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like绿茵propped up the sky. love is a force, is a wealth. we should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. let us be thankful for, the institute of thanksgiving. thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of setbacks, thereby experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of tu, when yongquan of" the real meaning. thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. guangdong lawyer tian, in order to return the mothers kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mothers life; xu yu return to the community of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children ... appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because they kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up! students, and a song called "thank you": i thank the moon lit up the night sky, thanks to the dawn zhaoxia endorse for the spring snow melt for the land feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life ... thank harvest for peace for all of this all all. thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! let us brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society! 英语致辞稿篇5 i will be graduating from middle school in the coming days. i have a lot of feelings that i want to express. first, i want to thank all the teachers. you have been working hard to teach us. i would also like to thank my classmates. you have been offering great help to me. i am so happy today. this will be an end to my middle school life, and soon we will begin the new life in high school. dear teachers, dear classmates, i will always remember you. thank you all. i would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. you were alway so patient when i asked you questions. you listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. you showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. i felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking english. you made the excercise so interesting that i was always very eager to participate and practice. my english has improved so much. how could i thank you enough?! i cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my english. sincerely yours, 英语致辞稿篇6 各位老师、同学们: 今天学校举行新学期开学典礼,我们全体师生聚在一起,共同开启又一个新的征程。在此,让我们用热烈的掌声向新加盟某大家庭的新教师和新同学们表示热烈的欢迎!向为两个毕业年级辛勤付出并取得优异成绩的全体老师表示衷心感谢!向圆满完成上学年教育教学工作任务的教职员工表示热烈祝贺! 老师们,同学们,回首20某—20某学年,某省某中学以办人民满意的教育为目标,以“做最好的学校,做最好的教师,成就最好的学生”为教育理想,努力促进全体学生的全面发展、个性发展和长远发展。经过全校师生的共同努力,本部、某20某届高考、中招均取得了丰硕成果: 一、高考成绩:本部一本上线某x人,一本上线人数比20某年增加某人,近某x人被985、211高校录取;某学校一本上线某x人,比去年增加某人,二本上线某x人,本科上线人数连年增长。 二、国际教育成绩:国际部20某届中加班某x名毕业生全部申请到加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等国的一流大学;中日班某名同学全部留学日本。 三、中招成绩:本部、某初三年级中招成绩优异,某x人达到某市省级示范性高中中招录取分数线。20某年,我校本部高中录取分数线达到某x分,比20某年提高某分。 四、体育成绩:学校在努力提高学生高考、中招成绩的同时,非常重视学生的健康成长,尤其是在体育教育教学方面,几年来,我校田径队、篮球队、足球队几乎包揽了某省各项比赛的第一名,不断书写辉煌与奇迹。在全国比赛中也取得了令人骄傲的成绩,其中,田径队在20某全国体育传统项目学校田径联赛中位居总分第x名;篮球队包揽20某年全省中学生篮球锦标赛全部x项冠军;足球队获20某“市长杯”、“省长杯”冠军,连续x年站稳全国x强!20某年x月,在某某举行的第某届亚洲中学生五人制足球锦标赛,我校某x同学入选中国中学生足球队,成为入选国家队某唯一球员,某x教练入选国家队教练组,中国中学生足球队夺得x军!这也是近x年来中国队的最好成绩。 在关注学生成绩的同时,学校坚持立德树人的根本方向,全面实施素质教育,鼓励学生积极参与各类创新实践,收到了良好的效果。某x同学被共青团中央授予“最美中学生”称号;某x老师被评为“某省最美教师”;在省第x届大学生程序设计比赛中,来自全省某多所高校的某x支代表队参加此项赛事,我校作为唯一受邀参赛的中学,最终包揽大赛前x名;在第某届全国中小学生创新作文大赛总决赛中,我校某x同学获特等奖,这是某选手获得的唯一特等奖,也是某省在该项赛事中获得的最高奖;在第x届“某杯”全国青少年创意写作大赛中,某x同学获x等奖,再创某唯一。暑期中,学校模拟联合国社团、中学生领导力社团、创客社团等捷报频传,充分彰显了我校在全省基础教育的某、示范、引领作用。 今天,我还想与大家分享近期学校文化建设的几个片段:一是今年x月份,第x届某教育名片发布仪式在我校举行。作为获奖代表和承办单位,我校作了专场汇报。学校厚重的校园文化,先进的办学理念,师生展示出的超高个人素养,令台下来自全省各地观摩学习的校长们赞叹不已。他们说:“原本以为在北京、上海这样的大城市才能看到的师生素质水平,没想到在我们某也看到了!”。二是x月份,学校师生拍摄的毕业季mv《大某,不说再见》,一天之内点爆微信圈,该片以唯美的表达、真挚的眷恋,深厚的情怀,成为全国中学校园毕业季的最强音。三是凝聚了大某集体智慧的校歌已经确定,新生军训时就以声韵庄严、大气磅礴之势传唱开来。这些精品活动充分体现了某人的传承与创新精神,展示了某师生的文化自信,激励着全体师生走向新的辉煌!今年新一届某师生正式进驻新校区,目前,某、某、某三位一体,学校已经步入稳步发展、科学发展、健康发展的轨道,一个“健康有序、充满活力、不断创新、追求卓越”的校园生态已经形成,得到了社会各界的广泛认同和普遍好评。 老师们,同学们,新的学年已经翻开第一页,我们在这个秋天分享收获的盛宴,也播种下明年的希望。在此,我向同学们特别新高三、初三的同学们提几点希望: 第一,全面发展,个性成长!在新高一军训汇演暨表彰大会上,我讲到某中学的特色“这所学校是多元的,这所学校是开放的,这所学校是崇尚创新的,这所学校是追求卓越的!”同学们,走进某的校门,一定要理解并自觉融入到省某鲜明而有个性的校园环境和文化中,既要有“异想天开”的精神,又要有“脚踏实地”的干劲,从当下做起,从点滴做起,好好规划自己的中学生活,努力发掘自己的优势,快乐学习,健康成长,努力把自己塑造成一个身心健康,充满自信,具有创新意识、进取精神和领导潜质的杰出公民! 第二,超越自我,努力去赢!在里约奥运会上,中国女排在并不被外界看好的情况下夺得冠军,赢得了全世界的尊重!主教练郎平对“女排精神”这样解读:女排精神不是赢得冠军,而是有时候知道不会赢,也竭尽全力;……人生不是一定会赢,而是努力去赢!同学们,在通往成功的道路上,看似强手如林,步步坎坷,但千万不要被这些表象所迷惑。其实每个人最大的敌人永远是自己!超越自我,战胜心魔,你就是最后的胜者! 第三,激发潜能,放手一搏!央视的一段采访让中国游泳队的傅园慧一夜之间成了“网红”。“洪荒之力”也瞬间成了网络热搜词!“天地玄黄,宇宙洪荒”。傅园慧夸张而又搞笑的说法,其实就是想表达“我已经拼尽全力了,我没有遗憾了”。新初三和高三的师生们,明年六月份就要冲刺中招或者高考,我想,现在正是到了大家使出“洪荒之力”的时候!追梦的道路尽管曲折,但被激发的潜能同样无法估量!珍惜当下,只争朝夕,厚积薄发,放手一搏,学校一定会助力你们勇敢攀登、科学攀登,真正成为登顶珠穆朗玛峰的勇士,让某精神恒久乃光! 最后,祝愿各位老师新学期心情愉快、工作顺利!祝愿同学们雏鹰展翅,好梦顺遂!祝愿我们的大某温馨舒怀,佳讯盈门! 谢谢大家! 婚礼讲话稿最新5篇 >> 前往阅读 各位来宾:大家好!就在前天,我们单位的另一位小伙子娶到了县邮政局的邮政之花儿;今天,×又为我们迎娶了一朵林业公安警花儿。我也有幸又一次当上了主婚人,正所谓“才饮湘江水、又食武昌鱼”,和大家一样,心情都非常激动。首先,请允许我代表在座的各位来宾,向二位新人致以真诚的祝福!同时受新郎、新娘委托,向参加今天婚礼的各位来宾表示热烈欢迎和衷心感谢!新郎×现在×工作,担任×长。小伙子英俊潇洒、忠厚诚实、工...... 助残日+讲话稿5篇 >> 前往阅读 各位领导,老师,同学们:你们好!今天是第27个全国助残日活动,在这个特殊的日子里,我代表特教校的全体教师,向前来慰问的领导和同志表示衷心的感谢。特教中心校成立xx年了,xx年,哪一段不是向往,哪一笔青春不带渴望,xx年的岁月就如同一首平常的歌。经常有人对我们说:“你们的学生不是憨憨傻傻就是聋聋哑哑,有什么前途?”是的,我们永远也不可能有桃李满天的成就感,永远也不可能有五彩的光环,但我们选择了特...... 感恩您演讲稿600字7篇 >> 前往阅读 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!我是五(1)班的蔡楚杰,今天我演讲的题目是《感恩父母》。先提一个简单的问题:我们从哪里来?大家肯定都会说,是父母把我们带到世界上来的。是啊,十年前的某一天,我们的父母用泪水和幸福的笑容迎接了我们的到来。于是,我们拥有了生命,拥有了在这五彩缤纷的世界里享受生活的快乐与幸福的机会。回眸细想,我们一直沐浴在父母的爱河里:当我们第一次喊爸爸妈妈的时候,第一次独立迈开一...... |