2023-08-05 16:10:20
撰写一篇读后感可以加深同学们对名著所写的领悟,写读后感一定要用心对待,一篇优秀的读后感书需要我们进行认真仔细的斟酌用词的,今天就为您带来了英语100读后感模板6篇,相信一定会对你有所帮助。 英语100读后感篇1 i began to watch the second part of the ordinary world and basically understood the author's writing techniques. from "wolf totem", i unconsciously felt that my soul was being baptized, and from "four generations together" i was brought to the era of war. then "blizzard tonight" let me know how to feel lonely, and when i first read "ordinary world", i learned how to think and live. life is not perfect. "ordinary world" is a book injected with true feelings by the author. sun shao'an and tian runye, two childhood sweethearts who love each other, are separated in the ocean of life and can't walk hand in hand to the happy coastline. after reading sun shaoan's plan, which is perfect and beneficial to farmers again and again, why does tian futang always refuse it? it's a good thing for sun to be full of work but not full of work... it's a good thing for sun to come back from work but not full of work. calm is good, but there are huge obstacles you must face. but life itself is not completely bad, which is not difficult to find from the book. poor farmers can also pick red dates, shake fragrant dates, eat sweet dates and divide sour dates by august 14... shaoan, who has been used to poverty since childhood, is also very beautiful at the wedding! when shaoping returned to the countryside, he was absolutely surprised that he could become a teacher. this surprise must make the sun family happy for a while. i think everyone who is good at thinking about life will feel that there is no despair in the ocean of life. as long as you don't drift with the waves, no matter how huge the waves can overturn you. life is also not fair. why are sun shaoan and sun shaoping born poor, gu yangmin and tian runsheng born rich, runye born beautiful, and hou yuying born lame woman. however, life is fair. poor sun shaoping has become an enviable teacher with his own knowledge. wang manyin's life is even worse than that of the sun family. 我开始看《平凡的世界》第二部,也基本了解了作者的写作手法。我从《狼图腾》中不知不觉地感到我的灵魂在被洗礼,又从《四世同堂》中身临其境地被带到那战争的年代,接着《今夜有暴风雪》让我懂得了感受落寞,而初读《平凡的世界》我懂得了思考生活。 生活并不是完美的,《平凡的世界》是一部被作者注入真情的书。孙少安与田润叶,这对青梅竹马彼此相爱的人,却在生活的海洋里分别,没能手牵手走到幸福的海岸线。孙少安一次又一次既完美又对农民大有益处的计划,读后感600字原本也是农民的田福堂为什么总要拒绝呢?孙少平毕业回来工作一定是件好事,可双倍的工分为什么还是填不饱肚子……的确,生活的海洋时而风平浪静,时而波涛汹涌。风平浪静固然很好,但有巨大的障碍你也必须去面对。 但生活本身也不是完全糟糕的,这一点从书中便不难发现。贫苦的农民到八月十四也能摘红枣,摇香枣,吃甜枣,分酸枣……从小贫苦惯了的少安在举行婚礼时也很风光啊!少平回农村绝对意想不到自己也能当上老师,这份意外惊喜一定使整天吃黑馍的孙家高兴一时。我觉得每一个善于思考生活的人都会觉得生活的海洋没有绝望,只要你不随波逐流,任凭再巨大的海浪也不能把你打翻。 生活同样不是公平的,为什么孙少安、孙少平天生就贫困,顾养民、田润生却天生富足,润叶生来就漂亮,而候玉英天生就是跛女子。 生活却又是公平的,贫苦的孙少平靠自己的学识也当上了令人们羡慕的老师,整天顽劣的王满银生活比孙家更一团糟。 英语100读后感篇2 寒假中读了自己一直想读的一部作品,易卜生的戏剧《玩偶之家》。 ?玩偶之家》中的女主人娜拉表面上是一个未经世故开凿的青年妇女,一贯被人唤作“小鸟儿”、“小松鼠儿”,实际上上她性格善良而坚强,为了丈夫和家庭不惜忍辱负重,甚至准备牺牲自己的名誉。她因挽救丈夫的生命,曾经瞒着他向人借了一笔债;同时想给垂危的父亲省却烦恼,又冒名签了一个字。就是由于这件合情合理的行为,资产阶级的"不讲理的法律"却逼得她走投无路。更令她痛心的是,真相大白之后,最需要丈夫和她同舟共济、承担危局的时刻,她却发现自己为之作出牺牲的丈夫竟是一个虚伪而卑劣的市侩之人。可当敲诈之人寄回借据后,丈夫又假装大度原谅她。这一刻,她终于觉醒过来,认识到自己婚前不过是父亲的玩偶,婚后不过是丈夫的玩偶,从来就没有独立的人格。于是,她毅然决然抛弃丈夫和孩子,从囚笼似的家庭出走了。 是啊,娜拉走了,离开了那个玩偶一般的家。话剧落幕了,可人们的思索并未停止。娜拉走后又该怎样呢? 无数的人思考着这个问题,讨论过这个问题。鲁迅先生在一篇文章中谈了他的想法。“但从事理上推想起来,娜拉或者也实在只有两条路:不是堕落,就是回来。因为如果是一匹小鸟,则笼子里固然不自由,而一出笼门,外面便又有鹰,有猫,以及别的什么东西之类;倘使已经关得麻痹了翅子,忘却了飞翔,也诚然是无路可以走。还有一条,就是饿死了,但饿死已经离开了生活,更无所谓问题,所以也不是什么路。” 英语100读后感篇3 guy de maupassant was the child of an unhappy marriage. his mother has been dessccrriibbeedd as neurotic and his father as a man who sought relief from his wife in the arms of other women. perhaps the collapse of his parents marriage engendered de maupassants pessimism, reflected particularly in his stories about infidelity and failed relationships. it certainly influenced his own attitude toward women, which, in turn, affected his creation of characters in stories such as "the necklace." events in history at the time of the short story. the purpose of women. de maupassants attitude toward women was ambivalent. he was one of few nineteenth-century authors to recognize and celebrate womens sensuality rather than regard it as a sign of corruption. he was also, however, devastatingly cruel to women, ()whether in his own life or in his fiction. he recommended that the french academy commission a treatise on how to "break decently, properly, politely, without noise, scene or violence, with a woman who adores you and with whom you are fed up" (de maupassant in steegmuller, p. 178),he scoffed at monogamy, insisting that he could not understand how two women could not be better than one, three better than two, and ten better than three. 英语100读后感篇4 in the double faced hound, baimei is the protagonist. i admire baimei's indomitable spirit, because no matter how cold it is and how many people hate it, it also helps the owner find the chicken thief. this book is divided into several episodes, such as turning to human beings, escaping from death, etc. it is said that baimei is the za kind of a hunting dog and a jackal. the jackal king was afraid that baimei would rob him of the throne, so he drove baimei out of the jackals. it was winter when baimei had no choice but to turn to human beings. ku anzi was the first person it turned to, and amanxing was its second master. he was very kind to him, of course, this is later. ku anzi forced bai mei to steal chicken. there was no airtight wall in the world. finally, ku anzi was caught by others. ku anzi had to sell bai mei. finally, he was bought by a man who made dog soup. when he was ready to kill bai mei, he was saved by amanxing. later, everyone lost the chicken. they thought bai mei stole it, bai mei was carrying her grievances, braved the heavy snow and overcame many difficulties. finally, she caught the real chicken thief for her master and cleared her grievances. i also want such a loyal and smart dog. from this dog, i learned to stick to everything and don't give up. 英语100读后感篇5 pride and prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. it describes a love story mainly between elisabeth, who i like the best, and a rich and proud man, darcy. the story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the bennet. in a ball, elisabeth gave such a bad impression on darcys first pride that she refused darcys first proposal. darcy was so surprised by elisabeths refusal that he loved elisabeth more deeply. and elisabeths antipathy(厌恶,憎恨) made darcy realize his shortings. he was not angry about elisabeths censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. during elisabeths travel in darcys manor(庄园). darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. when one of elisabeths sisters ran away with wickham, darcy helped elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the bennet. so many changes in darcy eliminated(消除) elisabeths prejudice. at last it end with their marriage. taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你(保守派) and blocking england town. it reflected the authors view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. in fact darcys pride manifested(证明) the gap (间隙,差距)between their statuses(地位). since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between elisabeth and darcy. from the different attitudes from darcys two proposals, it reflected the feminine(女性) pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive(先进的) character from the image of elisabeth. 英语100读后感篇6 美丽而又善良的女神艾丝美拉达,和相貌丑陋却品德高尚的敲钟人卡西莫多,他们演绎着一段传奇,令人久久不能忘怀。 1482年,法王路易十一统治下的巴黎城沉浸在“愚人节”的狂欢的气氛中。艾丝美拉达在广场上欢快的舞着,她有着美妙的歌声,使得所有人都被她吸引。与此同时,平时被人唾弃的卡西莫多成为了丑人王被大家簇拥着。卡西莫多被副教主支使去做坏事,伤害了艾丝美拉达。但在卡西莫多遭鞭打时,艾丝美拉达不计前嫌,用她善良美好的心灵包容了他,让卡西莫多心中深深的刻下了她的美丽。在那个不公平的时代中谁也不能得到丝毫的同情。人们恐惧黑魔法,厌恶吉普赛人。艾丝美拉达也难逃被诬陷而处决绞刑的命运。她心中那位能保护她的白马王子卫士长,更是眼睁睁的看着她即将被判处死刑。卡西莫多为了救她不顾一切,但是并没有出现什么奇迹。在艾丝美拉达死后,他便紧紧地追随着她。 在看完《巴黎圣母院》后,最多的就是对卡西莫多的同情,他的正直与单纯却深深地打动着我。他自小因为畸形而被抛弃,由副教主收养,长大后也不曾离开教堂。他从没有得到过别人的一点关爱,但是他的心灵却和他的外表大相径庭。他向往着美和爱情,然而,艾丝美拉达太优秀了,对他来说,艾丝美拉达是一位女神,是高高在上的,也绝对不容一个污点。他开始自卑,痛苦,他的爱情给他带来了痛苦。但是他们的爱超越了生与死,上帝终究给了他们一个爱的世界。最后的结局正是文章出彩的一笔,也是我最喜欢的。 前几天去内蒙古博物馆,给我印象最深的就是两只头对头倒下的恐龙骨骸。那段时间我们也恰好听到了实习导游的讲解,他们倒下的形态是十分奇妙的,好似是互相搂抱着。导游开玩笑说这是恐龙界的罗密欧与朱丽叶,而我却以为这是巴黎圣母院的翻版。也许,卡西莫多和艾丝美拉达就是爱情的化身,代表着至死不渝的爱情。 |