2023-07-19 13:22:17
读书可以改变我们对待事情的看法,但是书看完之后最重要的读后感你会写吗,撰写一篇读后感能够加深同学们对名著知识的理解,下面是为您分享的海象英语读后感精选5篇,感谢您的参阅。 海象英语读后感篇1 陶行知先生是我国近代最具有影响力的教育家、教育思想家。他也是最具有批评精神和创造精神的教育开拓者。他博大的教育思想,求真的教育实践,行知合一的师德风范为我们树立了光辉的榜样,不愧为是“伟大的人民教育家”,“万世师表”。 “生活教育理论”是陶行知先生教育思想的主线和重要基石,它的精神内含十分明确,即大众教育——为了人民的解放、人民生活的幸福。 “千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。”陶行知先生这一至理格言,这是我们“教书育人”的永恒主题。 “捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去。”这是陶行知先生的座右铭,也是他一生献身人民教育事业,寻求探索中国教育之光明大道的生动写照。他认为教师应“发前人所未发,明今人所未明”,提倡教师做一个学生思想和求知的引路人,不做一个教书匠。 “人生天地间,各自有秉赋,为一大事来,做一大事去。”这是陶行知先生作的《自勉并勉同志》诗。他自己的一生正是不断追求真理,学做真人的典范。陶行知先生的教育思想与实践,为我们留下了一份宝贵的精神财富。我们要学习他高尚的道德情操,研究他丰富的教育遗产,以全面提高自身素质,使自己成为心灵世界的开拓者,智慧田野的播种者,人类文明的传递者。面对教育的改革,新课程、新理念,每一个教育人都应该冷静地思考自己的教育、教学行为,我们的办学行为。负责地对每一个孩子的一生负责,为孩子的成长、为孩子的发展,认真履行教师的职责。 一、实施爱的教育 “捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”,这是我国著名教育家陶行知先生毕生从事教育事业的真实写照。爱的教育是教育的基本原则和方法。陶行知先生的“爱满天下”更把爱的教育发扬光大。教师对学生的爱在教育中具有重要的作用。教师对后进生应有要有一颗爱心,它不埋在胸膛里,而应擎在手上,高高举起,让学生看得见,摸得着,时时感觉到。老师对后一进生更要倾注真诚的爱心,使学生感到老师的亲切、集体的温暖,从而树起生活的信心,提高学习的积极性。 在爱的教育中,培养学生爱的情感,用爱的情感帮助学生塑造人格。如开展“我与父母通信”活动,使学生们感受父母的爱,从而培养学生爱父母、爱他人的情感。情感是理智的基础,善良的心和爱他人、爱祖国的情操也是创新智慧的心理基础。 二、实施生活教育 陶行知生活教育理论内涵十分深广,而生活教育理论是陶行知教育思想的.主线和重要基石。陶行知提倡生活就是教育,就是教育的内容。他的生活教育从内容上看是动态的,随环境和不同受教育者的变化而变化。在生活里找教育,为生活而教育”的观念相当明确。根据陶行知先生的“教学做合一”的理论“教的法子根据学的法子:学的法子根据做的法子。事怎么做.就怎么学,就怎么教”,而教学的中心是“做”即实际生活。 三、实践创新教育 创新教育是教育观念,又是具体的教学思想,它只有化作具体的教育教学的操作方法才能够实现。但教育教学无定法,因此它又是一个长期的实践过程。为此,今后我更要认真学习陶行知教育思想与现代教育思想,更新教育观念,牢固树立以素质教育为核心的基础教育主流价值体系观念,提高实施素质教育的自觉性。以陶行知先生为楷模,学习他高尚的人格品质,求真求实求创造的教育理念,成为敬业爱岗、师德高尚、业务精良、创新务实的教师,为培养学生成为“真人”,并具有创新精神与创造能力的一代新人而努力工作。 陶行知教育思想是宝贵的经验和财富,是我们学习、研究、继承和发展的永恒的课题,是创造型教师及专业发展义不容辞的责任。 海象英语读后感篇2 最近,我有幸阅读世界四大冒险小说之一的《金银岛》,它是19世纪英国作家史蒂文森的成名作,也是一本举世公认的世界名著。作者向我们讲述了一个惊心动魄的冒险故事,而小说讲述的是出身平庸的霍金斯与海盗斗智斗勇,最终成功找到宝藏的故事。 书中形象生动地描写了一个叫吉姆的孩子,从嗜酒如命、脾气暴躁的老海盗那里,偶然间发现了一张埋藏了宝藏的荒岛形地图,这事引起了当地富翁屈利劳尼先生的兴趣。为了找到这些宝藏,他们驾驶了一艘船去荒岛探险。不料船上混入了一伙海盗,他们在独脚西尔弗海盗的策划下,妄图夺下这艘船,独吞这些宝藏。吉姆在无意中得到这一消息,他配合屈利劳尼先生和正义的船员以及医生同海盗们展开了拼死一搏的斗争,最后终于战胜了由西尔弗领导的海盗一行人,成功地找到了巨额宝藏。 虽然我没有同吉姆一起去探险,但是在我的脑海中,不断地出现他们寻宝时的画面,吉姆那正义的面容在我眼前浮现,他在坏蛋面前是显得那么的善良、勇敢,他总能在大家的帮助下一次又一次的击退海盗,取得了一次又一次的胜利,他又是多么的勇敢,他坚定的说出了,他听见西尔弗的计划的事,这使我非常敬佩,一个孩子能说出这样的话。 当然我也有令我愤恨的人,西尔弗就是一个很好的例子,在他的身上体现的只有虚伪、自私、他为了自己能得到宝藏而不惜放弃所有人的生命,他们根本没有为自己所做的事情感到愧疚,没有及时改正错误,反而错上加错。 ?金银岛》体现出了善良与邪恶之间的尖锐对抗,所以我觉得故事警示我们做事不能自私,因为那是我们心中的一种贪念而引起的,而吉姆身上体现是一种善良、勇敢的宝贵精神财富,就像我们国家,现在正处在水深火热之中,与日本闹得十分不愉快,我们国家正需要像吉姆那样的勇敢的人站出来,为我们国家说话,用智慧化解这场危机。 海象英语读后感篇3 oliver twist, one of the most famous works of charles dickens’, is a novelreflecting the tragic fact of the life in britain in 18th century. the author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in histwenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and toexpose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets inlondon. the hero of this novel was oliver twist, an orphan, who was thrown into aworld full of poverty and crime. he suffered enormous pain, such as hunger,thirst, beating and abuse. while reading the tragic experiences of the littleoliver, i was shocked by his sufferings. i felt for the poor boy, but at thesame time i detested the evil fagin and the brutal bill. to my relief, as waswritten in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil andoliver lived a happy life in the end. one of the plots that attracted me most isthat after the theft, little oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care ofmrs. maylie and rose and began a new life. he went for walks with them, or roseread to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. he felt as if he had left behindforever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. how can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive afflictionremain pure in body and mind? the reason is the nature of goodness. i think itis the most important information implied in the novel by dickens-he believedthat goodness could conquer every difficulty. although i don’t think goodness isomnipotent, yet i do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happilythan those who are evil-minded. for me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for aperson. goodness is to humans what water is to fish. he who is without goodnessis an utterly worthless person. on the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘thefragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodnessundoubtedly is a happy and useful person. people receiving his help are gratefulto him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do goodto both the people he has helped and himself. to my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence ofthe goodness in humanity. they look down on people’s honesty and kindness,thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. as a result, they show nosympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. on theother hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. in their opinion, moneyis the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. if they cannotget profit from showing their ‘kindness’, they draw back when others are facedwith trouble and even hit a man when he is down. they are one of the sorts thati really detest. francis bacon said in his essay, ‘goodness, of all virtues and dignities ofthe mind, is the greatest, being the character of the deity, and without it, manis a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.’ that is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything.therefore, i, a kind person, want to tell those ‘vermin-to-be’ to learn from thekind oliver and regain the nature of goodness. 海象英语读后感篇4 after ten years, j.k.r did not let us down. the darkest, fastest-paced, most desperate and dynamic magical adventure of the 7-part series carries the reader along faster than a speeding broomstick chased by dementors. throughout, doubts must be battled, fears faced, loyalties tested, and grief postponed whilst well-loved characters fall, chapter by chapter, yet there is no time to mourn. rowling as a narrator has grown up and so has harry; this no longer feels like a children's story but an epic myth, the echo and inheritor of a centuries-ancient tale told and sung around firesides, full of sound and fury, signifying more than we like to let on - the tug of old archetypes we already know, old tales which still resonate heart-deep, with anyone who has ever wondered who wins, when you pit love against hate, and hope against nihilism. i am sure there will be sneerers and jeerers at the power of the commercial spell cast worldwide and the ringing tills at midnight, the over-familiarity of the children's-story syntax; they are missing the point. the story of all humankind is the story of a story-telling animal and it is only this which distinguishes us from the other mammals, when it comes to the end. we will always be enchanted and enslaved by the telling and re-telling of the same story we all, always want to hear, again and again. the ancient magic of light vs. darkness, heroism and struggle, the bloody clash of battles, wrench of secrets painfully revealed; the warrior tested, the torturous night of the soul, the slow learning of the terrible, yet wonderful fact that no-one is alone, and that in the end, help comes, from friends, from strangers, from unexpected sources; from within and without, because of faith, because of courage, because of love. of how our own humanity saves us, how our weakness is our strength. so this latest incarnation of the old, old tale of the resurrected lost one, the lonely one who is loved, the hero who doubts, the child who is adult, the griever restored, the victim who triumphs, the boy who lived - is deeply satisfying in the way everyone recognises. anyone who has fallen asleep at the end of a story, with the author's pact satisfied - i will let you frighten, anger, worry and scare me, if you make it all right at the end. if i learn something, and if they live, if not happy ever after, but if they live - will be replete at the ending of this long saga. i prefer to think its enormous sucess is not just because of cyncial hyper-successful marketing. i prefer to think that it is because we all love a story, told well, before we lay down to sleep at the end of a long day. 海象英语读后感篇5 简是一个孤儿,她出生在一个很穷的牧师家庭,他的父母早就去世了,她的父母很早就去世了,暑假作文500字:读《简爱》有感。幼小的简只能住在她舅父母家。舅父去世后,简过了整整20年的痛苦生活。简在这二十年里受尽了折磨。 jane is an orphan. she was born in a poor priestly family. her parents died long ago. her parents died very early. they wrote 500 words in summer vacation: reading jane eyre. young jane can only live in her uncle and parents' house. my uncle died after suffering a life of jane for 20 years. jane has been tortured in the twenty years. 肉体的痛苦加上心灵上的痛苦,使得简大病了一场。可她的舅母里德太太依旧把她视为眼中钉。简和她的舅母的对抗越来越公开,坚决。再之后简被送进了洛伍德学校。 the pain of the body and the pain of the mind made jane ill. but her aunt, mrs. reed, still regarded her as an eyesore. jane's antagonism with her aunt is more and more open and resolute. then jane was sent to the lowood school. 学校里的生活条件很恶劣,艰苦。在这种教规严厉的学校,简任然摆脱不了折磨。也经常有孩子受不了而病死。简于是在报上登了做家庭教师的广告,不久,简得知叔父去世并留给她一笔遗产,同时,还发现圣约翰是她的表兄,简把家产给平分了。圣约翰是一个狂热的教徒,他想让简成为他的妻子,并想让简和他一齐去到印度去传教,但简回到了罗切斯特的身边。 the living conditions in the school are very bad and hard. in this harsh order of the school, but could not escape the torture of senior. and often a child can't stand the death. jane then advertised in the newspaper as a tutor. shortly after that, jane learned that her uncle died and left her a legacy. at the same time, he found that saint john was her cousin, and jane shared the family property equally. saint john is a fanatic. he wants jane to become his wife. he wants jane to go to india to preach, but jane returns to rochester. “你以为我弱小,贫穷,平凡就没有灵魂,没有心吗那么,你错了!我和你一样有血有肉。我的灵魂在对你的灵魂讲话!我们在上帝眼里是平等的!” "you think i am weak, poor, ordinary no soul, no heart, so you are wrong! i have the same flesh and blood as you." my soul is talking to your soul! we are equal in the eyes of god! " 多么简单,多么朴实的话语,却透露出一种坚定与智慧。由此可见,简是一个善良,充满智慧的人。 how simple, simple words, but reveal a kind of firmness and wisdom. thus, jane is a kind and wise man. 简是不幸的,她的一生都很坎坷,每一步都走得很艰辛,要付出沉重的代价。但她却创造了幸运,她的每一步都走的件事而富有价值。 jane is unfortunate, her life is very rough, every step is very hard, to pay a heavy price. but she created luck, and she was worth every step of her step. 简的许多事件与优点都值得我敬佩,她虽不幸,但他不畏困难,用智慧去攻破。善良与勇敢,聪明与才能创造了简。正是这些,使它成为了优秀的女人! many of jane's events and advantages are worthy of my admiration. although she is unfortunate, she does not fear the difficulties and uses his wisdom to break it. kindness and courage, intelligence and ability to create jane. that's what makes it a good woman! |