2023-05-01 08:36:28
要想演讲流畅,就需要认真研究你的演讲稿,正确的思路写出来的演讲稿肯定是成功有意义的,今天就为您带来了旅游主题演讲稿5篇,相信一定会对你有所帮助。 旅游主题演讲稿篇1 i went on my first travel when i was about seven years old with my mom.that was a weekend.we went to climb a mountain not far from our city.it was sunny that day but just because we traveled in spring so it was comfortable that day. we went there by bus then we took a taxi there.the mountains we climbed were very tall and there was a temple on the way to the top so we took a rest there. when we finally climbed up to the top we were all very tired.the scenery we saw from the top was very beautiful,the air was fresh,the wind was clena.we both had a wonderful time during our trip. 旅游主题演讲稿篇2 我刚到北海,不能忍受坐公共汽车的疲劳。我等不及要去拜胡图了。我姐姐不得不跟着我,匆忙带我去了拜胡图海滩。乍一看,风景是如此美丽!退潮的海滩白得像一层白色的棉花。海滩的形状像老虎的头伸向大海。也许这就是白虎头这个名字的由来。 浩瀚无垠。一排白色的浪花冲到岸上,像一条无比柔软的飘带,在风中飘舞;就像成千上万的军队在驰骋,没有力量。在远方,海与天相连,天与海相连,海与天是一样的,一艘船正在航行,就像一支巨大的箭,划出一条水的轨迹,飞向蓝天。这是真的:船头穿透了数千个波浪,巨大的箭头穿透了数千英里的云。 虽然是秋天,许多游客仍在游泳。我再也不能屏住呼吸了。我跑到岸边,脱下鞋子和裤子,坐在岸边,把脚伸到海里,让海浪拍打着我的脚,让海水浸湿我。啊,很有趣,很有趣!我听说爷爷曾经说过海里的水是咸的。然后我把我的手指浸在水里,品尝它。又咸又苦。正当我在海里玩得很高兴的'时候,我看到许多孩子弯腰在海滩上捡东西。我姐姐告诉我,“他们正在捡贝壳。”于是,我急忙跑上前去,低头一看,只见海滩上的贝壳像星星一样,有红的,有白的,有黄的,有花的,五颜六色的。有长、平、圆、螺旋、奇特、奇妙的形状。我用手捡起沙子,环顾四周,捡了起来。我装满了我的口袋和我姐姐的旅行袋。所以我可以带着这些婴儿回到我的家乡,睁开我的眼睛,做一个纪念!啊!可爱的大海,你带给我无尽的快乐。 我也想寻找梦想,可是太阳却淹没在西方的大海里。我带着喜悦和依恋离开了迷人的白虎头度假村,踏上了归途。 旅游主题演讲稿篇3 敬爱的的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好! 今天,我__演讲的题目是《让文明与旅游同行》。 亲爱的同学们,说起旅游的话题,你们肯定非常兴奋。旅游,是人生最有价值的投资。旅游可以开阔了我们的视野;可以增长我们的阅历;可以陶冶我们的情操。古人有读万卷书,行万里路的追求,我们学生更有走出书斋,畅游天下的梦想。随着人们生活水平的提高,休息日和节假日期间,外出旅游的人越来越多,有的去游览名山大川,有的去观赏大漠风光,有的去探险绝地风景,甚至于到国外去观赏异国风情。然而,在我们享受旅游的美丽风景的'时候,却遗落了“礼仪”。丢却了“文明”。 旅游中的许多不文明现象随之蔓延:在景区乱扔果皮杂物好像习以为常;在古迹建筑上乱刻乱画几乎成为习惯;不守秩序、喧哗吵闹、排队加塞也好像司空见惯,任意闯红灯,不走人行横道等情况屡有发生,景区提示、导游提醒,明明有禁令,却置若罔闻,我行我素。更有甚者,一些去外国旅游的中国游客,随地吐痰,随地方便,随手扔垃圾,甚至把宾馆的洗脸盆当洗脚盆,拿酒店的毛巾擦鞋,带走酒店的非赠物品,这些不文明的行为举不胜举。 亲爱的同学们,当你目睹了这些不文明的行为,你是如何感想?是不屑一顾还是羞愧难当,是愤恨难过还是无地自容?我想,作为一个有责任心的人,你的心情肯定是异常沉重吧。 我们中华民族是一个有着五千年历史的礼仪之邦。作为一个中国人,应该有温文尔雅的仪态,光明磊落的品行,落落大方的行为,谦恭礼让的胸怀。这些是对现代文明的诠释。文明,体现在举手投足之间,流露在你的神态语言上。旅游中这种.种不文明现象的产生,是一个人的文明修养不够造成的。不拘小节、不讲文明,说小点是有损个人形象,说大点,则是有损一个地区、一个国家的形象。这不是危言耸听。 亲爱的同学们,愉快的暑假马上就来临了,也许你已经做好了长途旅行的打算,请记住,在饱览美景的同时,请千万不要忘记文明旅游。因为,你的美好言行,也是沿途风光中的一道亮丽风景。旅游是一种享受,更是一面镜子,你站在景点看风景,别人站在远处看你,望我们每位同学在外出游玩时,都能做到与文明同行,用自己良好的风貌和行为,绘出一道美丽风景。同时也呼吁大家共同携手,提升旅游文明素质,从我做起,从现在做起,从点滴做起,塑造我们文明旅游的新形象。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 旅游主题演讲稿篇4 we couldn' t believe that it was a village. the buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses. in the middle of the village there was a school with a wonderful building and a large playground. all the children in the village study there. the farmers got richer by planting vegetables and raising silkworms. in their houses there were colour tv sets, fridges,washing machines, new furniture and even motorbikes. all these showed the farmers' life was getting better and better. the great changes had attracted foreigners. today some of them would come to visit it. we were happy for the farmers. we hope the farmers will be richer and happier. 旅游主题演讲稿篇5 when i was a primary school student, my family and i took a trip to five cities which were in the south of china. first, we came to nanjing by plane. that was the first time i had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. we arrived in nanjing in the morning. at 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. the food tasted delicious. in the afternoon we went to “zhongshanling”. it was the place that preserve the tomb of mr. sugshan. the next day, we came to wuxi and then suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”. it was a beautiful and old place. the house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank. the fourth day, we came to hangzhou where we visited “the west lake. it was very beautiful and the water was clear . as we all know, hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”. the last place that we visited was shanghai. it was one of the biggest city is china. the night view in shanghai was more beautiful than beijing. we visited the tv tower of “东方明珠”. it was the third tallest tower in the world. standing in the tower you could see the whole city. in the evening, we lived in a hotel with 25 floors. i was very excited that evening. this trip took us seven days and we went back to beijing by plane. the plane was very very big. there were three engine rooms. i felt happy and i would never forget the trip. |