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导读:  范例一:everyone all has each others direction and purposein the life. when we onsider our purpose and place in life. many people all would harbor grand desires to improve and change their respective co......





everyone all has each others direction and purposein the life. when we onsider our purpose and place in life. many people all would harbor grand desires to improve and change their respective community and countries. (but i am an exception hehe)).in other words.. success just likes depends on the small tools, or pieces, which keep structures from tumbling. just as screws are the small yet essential objects that strengthen and sustain, we should strive for the society to live and work within. without our earnest efforts, communities couldnt be so securely maintained. 

human society is vast and seems boundless, it also important to be modest. regardless of how great own achievements maybe, one is still only a single screw in the large machinery. but if you must be a screw, be a strong and shining one!!!


how to conduct patriotic education among the youth of today

1. 我国爱国主义教育的现状

2. 分析爱国主义教育的重要意义

3. 如何在青少年中开展爱国主义教育

1) much to our distress, these years have seen a widespread neglect of patriotic education in our society. 2) according to some official reports, many patriotic education centers have been closed down or kept open to the public for other more profitable purposes while many of our national heroes have given way to todays pop stars in youths minds. 3) if this current is allowed to run its course, i am afraid, things are bound to turn for the worse, with less and less sense of patriotism left in the youth.

4) the significance of patriotic education to our society, however, can be seen from the perspectives as follows. 5) in the first place, the patriotic education can make youth more aware of the glorious history and culture of our nation, thus building up their sense of pride as chinese. 6) in the second, the patriotic education helps youth value todays hard-earned life so as to hold dearer their golden chances of enriching themselves with knowledge in peace. 7) and above all, the patriotic education can push youth to draw upon more of their capabilities in order to make tomorrows life better than todays and leave behind themselves more highlights for the nations culture. 8) to sum up, patriotic education is a key ingredient in the all-round development of youth.

9) so the most pressing for us now is how to effectively inculcate patriotism in the youth of today. 10) in my opinion, the first step should be focused upon giving fuller play to the potentials of patriotic education centers instead of running them for the purpose of making money. 11) then, greater efforts must be made to integrate the patriotic education into the curriculums throughout youths education. 12) in one word, where there is an effective patriotic education of youth, there is a greater enhancement of national cohesiveness.


要爱国it is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (to make the country rich and strong is...). in order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). i consider this an unchangeable truth. how can a student love his country (be patriotic)? i find my answer very simple and clear. he must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future. if every student can do according to what i said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful

要使国家富强是每个公民的责任。为了达到此目的,必须爱国。我认为这是一条不易的定理。 一个学生如何才能爱国呢?我发觉答复很简单明了。他必须用功读书并积储知识以便将来服务国家。如果每个学生能按照我所说的去做,国家一定会富强。


sino-japan problem is always a sensitive topic, a fuse which can trigger a serial of explosion. some so-called patriots argue that buying domestic products is patriotism and proclaim that in particular all the chinese should reject goods marked “made in japan”。

those who are more extreme may smash or plunder a shop which sells japan products or burn any japanese car in the street no matter who owns it.

then, how about launch a war against japan so that we can destroy that malicious disgusting nation which had invaded our mother land then unscrupulous deny the history written in black and white?

what if a person, on one hand is a patriot from tip to toe and willing to sacrifice his life to his country if japan dare to wage a war against china(if possible) while one the other hand he is a japanese culture vulture?

what if the shop the mob smashed is owned by a hard working chinese businessman? had they committed a crime? are the masses just venting their discontentment which accumulates day by day because of the appalling unfairness in the reality?

is it true we just take japan or international trade as an outlet?

patriotism is not nationalistic fever, not intense ethnic emotion. we need to calm down and differentiate ethnical frenzy and moderate sober patriotism.

in addition, there is always danger to ignore the real problematic issue such as political corruption, academic plagiarism, educational unfairness, and social classes polarizing which are screaming for our attention and should be our priority.

what has been called for in the loudest voice is usually the most lacking one. ramble roars in the movie “first blood”-i have done everything for my country, what has my country done for me?! nowadays, we badly need a rewritten version of kennedys famous saying “ask not only what you can do for your country but also what your country can do for you.”



in my memory, i will never efface the image of a common service worker.

it was last new year when all my family members gathered together that suddenly the heating pipe broke up. the warm steam burst forth from the crack. we could do nothing but have a shot at calling the household management center. fortunately, someone answered it and decided to send a person here.ten minutes later, a middle-aged man came. he quickly shut the valve, but one of his hand was hurt by a spine carelessly. not having a rest, he replaced the broken pipe. it took him half an hour to finish replacing it. only after that did he remember his injured hand.

in our thankful sight, he disappeared in the curtain of night. he must have been getting together with his family, but he did the job for the sake fo others convenience at this special night. what a nice man! i will never forget him.






i like english. i think i can share my english learning method with you. first of all, develop interest on english. my way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. at first, i will watch the movie with subtitle. then i will remove the subtitle, only english left. gradually, show great interest in english. secondly, recite vocabularies. vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn english. this time you have to force yourself to remember words. thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. it is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if i don’t know the basic grammar. last but not least is to speak more. the basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. so talk in english as much as you can. and don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. those are my methods.





英文:superficial confrontation indicates the similarity of essence。



英文:technology seemingly pushes humans forward, yet forward to the unknown; humanities mirror humans into the past, the past of existence and hope。


批判、 传统与创新、教育

英文:the prerequisite of rational critical thinking is the arduous training and undistinguished inheritance。


个体与集体、 创新与传统、自由

英文:the greatness of individuals lies in the uncompromised struggle against the collective conformity. they fight for freedom, a freedom banned by the collectivism。



英文:laws prohibit human’s evils. it is the invention from government. by laws, humans do not turn to demons; morality glorifies humans, turning them into angels。



英文:success is individual behaviors. collectivism is in no need of this; collectivism desperately need conformity。



英文:any change is revealed in a minute manner, undying and unstoppable. revolutions, on the contrary, are just a carnival celebrated by the mass, ignited by a few and blessed by none。



英文:international arena is a jungle, in which just a few countries use their fists with rationality and maneuvers。



英文:internal conflicts can only be solved by external forces, because internality requires conventions and inward-looking。



英文:awareness originates from emotionality and finally transcends to rationality. so transient is emotionality that it bears the resemblance of a fast white horse fleeting over a gap, and so eternal is rationality, of a bright star hanging over the dark night。



2.4 问

debrief v. 向…询问情况,听取汇报

grill v. 拷问;烤;n. 烤架

heckle v. 诘问(质问),困扰

inquiry n. 询问

inquisitive adj. 过分好问的;好奇的

interrogate v. 审问,审讯 (interrogation n. 询问,审问)

interrogative adj. 疑问的

query n./v. 质问,疑问,询问


2.3.3 嘲笑,讽刺

bait v. 逗弄;激怒;n. 诱饵

deride v. 嘲弄,愚弄

flirt v. 挑逗,调戏

gibe n./v. 嘲弄,讥笑

jeer v. 嘲笑

jibe v. (嘲笑);与…一致,符合

mimic v. 戏弄,模仿;n. 模仿他人言行的人 (mimicry n. 模仿;拟态)

mock v. 嘲笑;模仿地嘲弄

persiflage n. 嘲弄,挖苦

raillery n. 善意的嘲弄

ridicule v. 嘲笑;n. 奚落

sardonic adj. 嘲笑的

scoff v. 嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n. 嘲笑,笑柄

sneer v. 嘲笑,鄙视

spoof v. 揶揄(愚弄,哄骗),嘲讽

tantalize v. 挑惹,挑逗,使干着急

tease v. 戏弄,逗乐;强求;n. 揶揄,戏弄,取笑

toy v. 玩弄,不认真考虑

absurd adj. 荒谬的,可笑的 (absurdity n. 荒谬)

comic adj. 可笑的;喜剧的;n. 喜剧演员

droll adj. 古怪的,好笑的

drollery n. 笑谈,滑稽

howler n. 滑稽可笑的错误;嚎叫的人或动物

jesting adj. 滑稽的;爱开玩笑的

jocular adj. 滑稽的,诙谐的;嬉戏的

ludicrous adj. 荒.唐可笑的

nonsensical adj. 荒.唐的,无意义的

quaint adj. 离奇有趣的

ragtime adj. 使人发笑的,滑稽的;n. 拉格泰姆音乐

sidesplitting adj. 令人捧腹大笑的

stultify v. 使变得荒谬可笑;使无用

uproarious adj. 令人捧腹的;骚动的,喧嚣的

wag v. n. 诙谐幽默者(小丑);(狗尾巴等)摆动

waggish adj. 诙谐的,滑稽的

caricature n. 讽刺画;滑稽模仿

epigram n. 讽刺短句,警句

innuendo n. 暗讽,含沙射影

ironic adj. 挖苦的;出乎意料的

lampoon n. 讽刺文章;v. 讽刺

mordant adj. 讥讽的,尖酸的

parody n. 模仿性嘲讽文章或表演

persiflage n. 挖苦,嘲弄

revue n. 时事讽刺剧

ridicule n. 奚落;v. 嘲笑

sarcastic adj. 讽刺的

satire n. 讽刺(作品)

satirize v. 讽刺

skit n. 幽默讽刺短剧

snide adj. 讽刺的,含沙射影的

wry adj. 冷嘲性幽默的;扭曲的


2.3.2 玩笑

badinage n. 开玩笑,打趣

banter n. 打趣,玩笑

facetious adj. 好开玩笑的,轻浮的

grimace v./n. 做鬼脸,面部扭曲

jape v. 开玩笑或讽刺

jest v./n. 说笑,玩笑 (jester n. 小丑)

jesting adj. 爱开玩笑的;滑稽的

prank n. 恶作剧,玩笑 (prankster n. 顽皮的人,爱开玩笑的人)--plank


the dragon boat festival, also called the duanwu festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the chinese calendar. for thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous ricewrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.the festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. thisregattacommemorates the death of qu yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. the dragon-boat races symbolize the many attempts to rescue and recover qu's body. a typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length, with a beam of about 5.5 feet, accommodating two paddlers seated side by side.









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