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  1. 阅读时,没能掌握文章的主题或忽视了主题。

  2. 做题时,只知其一,不知其二。


  「例题」 (2007年重庆)Jack Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington. He inherited(继承) a million dollars when he was 23, but he wasn‘t happy at all. …… He gave ﹩10,000 of his money to a charity(慈善机构) to help poor children live a better life. Today he is 36. He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drives a small car only, but he is very happy.……

  文章最后一题:What‘s the main idea of the story?

  A. Help others, and you will feel happy.

  B. It‘s necessary to write letters to poor children.

  C. Live a simple life, and you can give others help.

  D. It‘s the most important to help the children in Africa.

  「典型错误」 B、C、D

  「错因分析」 阅读时不能紧紧抓住文章主题,或者没有把握住作者写作此文的真正意图,只记住了一些零星事实而偏离了主旨轨道。本题的B、C、D都涉及了穷苦的孩子或者帮助别人的话题,但是都是片面理解文章之意。

  「正确答案」 A.


    本文来源: http://m.wxycw.com/xuexi/132774.html
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