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dear teacher:

hello! i am a student from __ first middle school. i have been strugglingwith my "dream" for many years. today i dedicate this hidden poem to the schoolto show my admiration and love for __. thank you also for sharing my many yearsof struggle in your busy schedule.

1. in the spring breeze, i am full of spirits!

the admiration should start from the first year of high school. theaccidental saying "i passed the exam!" left a deep mark in my heart. i envy therhetoric after the success and envy that place. an ideal institution, i am moreenvious of the "_person" temperament that seeks truth from facts, and i am stillmoving forward in the wind and rain. since then, i secretly planted the seedthat will eventually germinate in my heart-xiang_struggle!

2. in the wind and rain, i am still moving forward!

since i was young, my parents have attached great importance to thecultivation of all aspects of quality. however, due to the backwardness of theliving area, there is no good learning conditions to exercise myself, but thishas not stopped my desire for knowledge. every holiday, the president will driveaway to study as a teacher. after several years of hard work, i was admitted tono. 1 high school with the third place in the city’s high school entranceexamination in 20__, and entered the experimental class, which made me come herefrom a small, backward and blocked county. the provincial model high school hasopened up a broader space for my future development and progress. however, theroad ahead is not always smooth sailing. due to the differences in regionaleducation levels, coupled with the unsuitability of high school learning, helost his name in the first exam in the first year of high school, and onlyranked more than 300 in the grade. this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue forme, who has always been among the best. looking at the lagging results in myhands, thinking that i might roll out the results of the test class, thepressure that has been accumulated in my heart for a long time, and the deephurt of my self-esteem, suddenly turned into a line of tears from my eyes. withthe rustling autumn breeze and heavy air, the originally lively campus seems tobe my own. but i did not give up because of this, but carefully analyzed andsummarized the reasons for my failure;

always thinking that as long as you work hard, you will succeed,

i always think that the most beautiful moment is the blooming,

its a pity, im just me, an ordinary self

ignore my true ability

i ignored the phrase "success requires one step at a time"

if you really live forever in one second,

why do we need to spend our whole life relative

look back and brighten your eyes

see who you really are,

steady steps, deep footprints,

only then will we shed tears of success!

at that moment, i couldnt help but think of _s school motto, "seek truthfrom facts" in learning and being a man, and not in a hurry for success. asprincipal zhu said back then: "if you encounter a situation of reversal, but youare unyielding, not afraid of power, just asking right and wrong, regardless ofinterest." at that moment, i regained my confidence, raised my forehead high,and let me go. tears flowed back to my eyes, i set off with a smile, and walkedin the brightest direction! with solid confidence as the backing and correctlearning methods as guidance, my results will always be among the best in futureexams. i think that this kind of summary and tenacious fighting spirit is alsoan essential quality for every "_person".

3. under the sun, i thrive!

at the beginning of the first year of high school, with my good personaltemperament and the trust of the head teacher, i served as the monitor of theclass. i kept learning and making progress in every class work. from immatureand simple to mature atmosphere, from mischievous and self-willed to steady andoptimistic, from blindly working hard to learning to unite and cooperate withothers, and be proactive, i have left the footprints of my growth everywhereinside and outside the classroom. with my outstanding performance in the firstyear, i have stood out in the new round of selection of assistant principals inthe second year of senior high school. i have entered a broader learning world,assisted the principals in managing school affairs, and not only exercised myworking ability in my work. , and cultivated my work style of seeking truth andbeing pragmatic, serious and responsible, and bold and innovative. due to hisoutstanding work ability and excellent academic performance, he was named"outstanding student leader of the autonomous region" in ____.

4. in the morning light, i am full of confidence!

"there will be long winds and waves, and you will hang the clouds and sail tothe sea!" if you dare to think about the need and dare to do, you will succeedif you dare to do it. i will definitely be admitted to the ideal university inmy heart——_, and continue my journey of chasing dreams. in the university, iwill choose a science and engineering major, concentrate on research, seek truthand innovation, and make every bit of knowledge meticulous and refined. we mustalso strive to be a new-age talent with both german and german talents,comprehensive development, useful to the country and the people, while strivingto learn his major, at the same time, to improve his comprehensive quality inall aspects, and actively participate in various social and campus activities.activities to further explore their potential in music. at this moment, i lookforward to a wider world waiting for me to make the next flight. i believe thatin this brand new university campus, i can become friends with many studentsfrom different regions. discussing life together, learning together, this willbe a joy in my life.

here, i solemnly send an application to _, please accept me, a dream chaserwho has been yearning for_, today_give me a hope, and tomorrow i will return aglorious!




dear x,

ever since i have had the ability to understand it, i have been fascinatedby the english language. as a child, i would either be writing, reading ortelling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction andnon-fiction texts from a variety of genres and eras.

this passion for language has led me to many different extra-curricularactivities. for the past four years, i have attended a youth theatre each weekwhere we concentrate very much on both improvised and scripted drama but alsohave done work on stage management, stage make-up, singing, and signed singing(an interest which begun with my learning of both violin and double bass tograde 4 standard).

with this same organisation, i have volunteered for the past three years atone of the children’s groups where i work helping with drama, music and art. itwas with this same organisation that i decided to learn sign language.i haverecently gained my british sign language level 1 certificate and am nowbeginning a level 2 course. i began learning sign language at the same time asstarting my a-level in english language and literature, a course i have foundextremely interesting. taking these two courses concurrently was very excitingfor me as learning more about the linguistics of the english language enabled meto make comparisons between the two languages.

these interests have led me to this course which i not only feel suits myneeds and interests aptly, but also excites me in its course content. althoughi’ve enjoyed all of my a-level english language and literature course but havefound a few parts of it particularly interesting. i specifically enjoyed ourcoursework tasks for our as level as it included writing a piece of originalfiction, an aspect of english which i have always enjoyed. i also enjoyed thetask of performing a monologue as i have missed not being able to study drama asa subject.

i try to follow my interests outside of school and so attend a wide varietyof theatre productions, art exhibitions, musical performances and subjectrelated lectures. when studying psychology last year, i attended a largepsychology conference with a variety of speakers which was both helpful andinteresting. last year i also attended an ‘art master class’ organised withmiddlesex university and with nine other students, it gave more opportunity formore detailed and involved discussions. i have not yet had the opportunity toattend an english related lecture but look forward to a study day in march whichwill aid me with my study of shakespeare’s antony and cleopatra.

alongside this and my voluntary work with the drama organisation, i haveworked in a variety of jobs which have all helped to develop my sense ofresponsibility as they were dependent on both teamwork and co-operation but alsomy use of initiative.i have chosen to defer my entry to 20xx as i plan tocomplete a voluntary teaching placement in africa. the prospect of thisplacement excites me as it will give me the opportunity to travel, to meet newpeople, to experience new cultures, and, above all, help out where much help isneeded. i feel that taking a gap year is going to benefit me greatly as it willenable me to gain valuable life skills that will benefit me both at universitybut also in whatever i choose to do following university whether it be apostgraduate course or work.

yours sincerely,

























dept. of business administration

shandong finance institute

jinan, shandong

peoples republic of china march 15 ,20xx


college park campus

college of business and management

the university of maryland

college park, maryland 20742


dear sir/madam

i am a junior in the department of business administration at shandong finance institute and specializing in marketing management. i am going abroad to continue the study of my specialty after graduation from the institute. in order to know more about the college for me to he admitted into, i write to you ahead of the usual time. could you please send me some information about the graduate

courses offered at your college and an application form for admission?

iye been awarded the honorable title of "three-good "student by shandong provincial education department twice in succession, so i think i will surely receive the governmental support if i have the 。hance to he sent for further training. however, i would still like to apply for financial aid. would you please send me an application

form for it?

thank you for your consideration. i look forward to hearing from you soon.

respectfully yours


li mingda

peoples republic of china dec. 29. 20xx

admissions officer

college of commerce and business administration university of illinois at urban-champaign


illinois 61820

united states of america

dear sir.

i left beijing normal university as a graduate in english language a decade ago. now i am a secretary of academic affairs in the department office. as you know. china has joined wto. i hope to be engaged in international trade.

by now i have finished the study of all the basic undergraduate courses of this specialty by myself anti have obtained a second bachelors degree. fo pursue further studies i wish to enter the department of business administration and read for a master s degree of international trade. i dontknow whether such a course is offered here and i will be lucky enough to be admitted into your college.

i only know a little about your college from the internet. could you please send me an application form and some background materials if possible? i will he very grateful should you give me some information about the financial support.

looking forward to your early reph

yours truly



dear x,

my four-year research experience since the completion of my undergraduateprogram in 1997 has helped me to develop from a bachelor in engineering to amaster in science. my research activities cover a wide range of fields includinganalytical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic catalysis, environmentalscience, instrumental analysis, nano-analytical chemistry, and biologicalanalytical chemistry. i am proud to say that i have accomplished achievements inalmost every of those fields. based on my research findings, i have published adozen research papers. in particular, i have received patents from the patentoffice of china for two major research results "the preparation method of asolid acid catalyst with high selectivity and activity for esterification" and"a new reaction technology and the equipment for gas phase esterification". bothof them have significant value in industrial application.

nevertheless, i am acutely aware that, in the research fields i aminterested in, there are still so many difficult subjects and challengesawaiting for solution. in physical chemistry, china is relatively backward inthe fields of catalyst development, catalyst inactivation, reaction dynamics,reaction mechanism, geochemical reaction mechanism, environmental-chemicalreaction mechanism. in analytical chemistry, china lags relatively behind itswestern counterparts in areas such as instrumental analysis and theoreticalanalytical chemistry. basically, china relies on import for large-scaleanalytical instruments. by contrast, the united states has many world-leadingacademic specialists and encourages interdisciplinary programs. it will accordme a stimulating and liberal academic environment, apart from the sophisticatedresearch facilities. rice university is my top priority in applying for a ph.d.program and i choose to specialize in physical chemistry or in analyticalchemistry.

at rice university, i plan to learn broader-based foundational theories inmy chosen fields. with my solid interdisciplinary knowledge and my ability forthe quick assimilation of new knowledge, i intend to secure for myself a rastatus to directly start my laboratory research under the guidance of my futureadvisor. i can also work as ta so that i can study while teaching and conductingmy internship. i can apply, test and consolidate the theoretical knowledge thati acquire in the process of internship and degree program. finally, throughtheoretical study and scientific research, i would endeavor to produce awell-written dissertation in which i hope to achieve some breakthroughs on boththe theoretical and the research level.

after obtaining my ph.d. degree, i intend to enter one of the top researchinstitutes to delve deeper into some challenging subjects and to achieve someresearch fruits. after accumulating certain research experience at an actualresearch institute, i plan to return to china to work as a professor at aleading chinese university, a position which will enable me to train many moreacademic professionals in physical or analytical chemistry. at the same time, iwill also dedicate myself to turning my laboratory research results into yetmore patents and inventions, which can further be developed into products withpragmatic applications.

during my studies in the united states, i will attempt at some detailedobservations of its capital market, the most mature of its kind in the world, toacquire some necessary knowledge in company management and capital operation.for ultimately my career objective is to establish my own company to manufacturemy own products, especially those environmentally-friendly chemical products,based on my patents and inventions.

yours sincerely,




























    本文来源: http://m.wxycw.com/fanwen/189645.html
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