2024-01-02 15:42:35
为了让我们的诉求得到更好的解决,申请书的写作一定要重点关注,在写申请书之前,申请人通常会对目标进行深入了解,以下是精心为您推荐的英语社的申请书6篇,供大家参考。 英语社的申请书篇1 dear sir, i am writing to apply for a british council scholarship to study in britain. i did my five years basic training in medicine at shanghai university. after this i successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in ophthalmology at the peoples general hospital, where i am at present serving a two-year probation in the eye clinic. as a result of the publication in 2003 of my article in new scientist entitled "soft and rigid contact lenses ", which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, i made contact with dr. li ming of the capital hospital and dr. ma li of the university college hospital. i have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients. despite their help, i feel that i cannot make real progress in this field unless i can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. i would therefore like to continue my research at either the capital hospital or the uch as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and i would like to study in britain for two years. i enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from dr. li ming and dr. ma li. 英语社的申请书篇2 尊敬的院领导: 您好! 我是xx级英语3班的学生,20xx年我很荣幸成为我校的一名学生,在激动与兴奋中不知不觉地开始了大学生活,在这一年里,我始终保持积极向上的心态,时刻严格要求自己,妥善处理好工作之间的关系,努力做到全面发展。我现申请国家励志奖学金,现将本人的基本情况介绍如下,作为各位领导的评审参考。 一思想情况: 我在思想上积极进取,在严格要求自己的同时,还不断的激励和帮助身边的同学积极参加团学活动。于他们一起探究人生的意义,关注国际国内的发展,为自己的前途和就业铺好道路。 二工作情况: 我身为班干部,在工作期间始终以服务同学为宗旨,为班级尽心竭力,工作中力求进取,虚心向别人学习,做到有错就改,接受和采纳老师和同学们的建议,同时坚持自己的原则,在利益面前,我坚持以大多数同学的利益为重,绝不以公谋私,赢得大家的尊重和支持。 三学习情况: 在学习中取得的成绩并不能使我满足,我知道自己跟优秀生的差距还很远,很多方面还要进一步学习完善。学生以学习为主,因此为了不影响学习,工作之余全身心投入到学习中,问老师,问同学,相互请教讨论学习,经过自己的努力,学习成绩有了很大进步。 四实践情况: 在大学时光里,我积极参加一些社团活动和志愿活动,利用课余和周末时间做兼职,在这些活动中,使我锻炼了能力,扩大了视野,进一步为今后的发展打下了坚实基础。 五生活情况: 在生活中,我节俭朴素,由于父母均为农民无固定收入,兄妹3人上学,家庭难以支付我们的上学费用。虽然我是生活贫困生,但我性格开朗,乐于助人,与同学间沟通较好,很多有经济困难的同学都愿意查找我的帮助。建立了很好的人际关系,得到同学们的认可和支持。 大学是我人生中极为重要的一个阶段,在这一年里,我在各个方面都取得了进步,综合素养得到了提高。现我申请国家励志奖学金,我要特殊感谢老师的大力培养和在专业方面的深入指导,以及同学们在生活工作中给我的支持帮助。今后我要更加严格要求自己,力求在以后取得更好成绩。 以上即本人的基本情况,敬请各位领导评判审核。 英语社的申请书篇3 dear sir or madam: i am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my m.s. degree. i have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry. i am greatly interested in the program. i graduated in 20xx from huabei university, majoring in chemistry and holding a b. s. degree. at university, i took many fundamental courses in chemistry and my english is excellent as i had served as the head of english association for two years. since then i have been teaching chemistry in beijing normal university. through my teaching experience, i have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many complicated research skills as well. two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter. thank you very much. i look forward to hearing from you soon. sincerely yours, li ming 英语社的申请书篇4 尊敬的领导、老师: 你们好!我是经济贸易系x。 20xx年很荣幸成为贵校的一名大学生,怀着自信与希望我开始了崭新的大学生活,在过去的两年里,我始终保持积极向上的心态,时刻以高标准严格要求着自己,同时妥善处理好学习与工作两者之间的关系,努力做到全面发展。在学习和班级工作中取得了较好的成绩。加之家庭经济困难,生活简朴,故特向学校申请x奖学金。以下是本人的一些基本情况介绍,望能成为各位领导的评审参考: 在思想上本人思想上积极上进,热爱社会主义祖国,支持党和国家的各项方针政策,拥护中国共产党的领导,积极向党组织靠拢,不断提高自身政治素养,提高思想觉悟水平,树立起共青团员应该起到的带头和模范作用。遵守宪法和法律,遵守学校规章制度;诚实守信,道德品质优良。积极参加校内外组织的的各项活动,在活动中学习理论,在活动中实践理论。努力提高自身思想素质,弘扬社会主义道德风尚。力争做一名“大学生中的能工巧匠,能工巧匠的大学生”。 在工作上脚踏实地,认真做好自己份内的每一件事任务,有较强的责任心。有较好的领导能力和组织能力。过去的两学年,在班级我担任副班长一职,积极配合班干部的工作,并与班委一起鼓励并帮助班上同学积极参加校内外各项活动,与同学一起取得了良好的成绩,除此之外,我还参加了各类的社团组织,营销协会、心理协会、青年志愿者协会等,在工作中都是尽职尽责,得到了学姐学长的的一致好评。在此期间获得了x奖励。 在学习上本人认真刻苦,态度端正,严格要求自己,认真遵守校内课堂规矩,有着明确的学习目标,认真学习专业知识。乐于帮助其他同学,取长补短,打达到共同进步的目的。上课时认真听讲,积极思考并回答老师提出的各种问题,课后及时完成作业。并经常浏览各类报刊杂志,这不仅陶冶了自己的情操,也开阔了自己的视野。为补充自己学历不足,在大一就开始参加英语专业本科学历自考学习。在此期间荣获证书:x奖励。 在生活上本人生活简朴,严于律己,并有条不紊,有良好的生活习惯;与人相处时:尊敬师长,真诚、宽容待人,诚实守信,团结同学,与同学相处融洽。有良好的交际能力,在学校的交际范围广泛。身为舍长努力创造温馨和谐宿舍,和舍友们相亲相爱,团结互助。 在我带领下我们宿舍在“20x—20x获得系文明宿舍”在“20xx年班级世博会团体知识竞赛中荣获第一名”。此外,为了尽量减少家庭的负担,在休息时间和不影响学习的情况下,在校内勤工俭学打扫教室卫生;在校外利用周末、节假日、暑假等时间做自己力所能及的各种各样的兼职:如衣服导购员、电器/饮料促销员、发传单、酒店/餐厅服务员、英语学习报学校代理等,大二期间利用休息时间在必胜客餐厅兼职,这些付出虽然所得报酬有限,但是在一定程度上还是减轻了家里的经济负担,同时还学了一些书本上没有的知识与经验。并在一定程度上提高了我与人交往、为人处世的能力。这使我更加坚定了自己的人生信念。家庭的贫困只是暂时的,为了更好的走好未来的路,我一定会用青春的激情和毅力创造出更加绚烂的明天。 现在我在校企合作单位——众事达信息技术有限公司做it销售,虽然很累,报酬有限。但每天的生活确很充实。我相信我能在这平台能真正践行的一个宗旨是:做大学生中的能工巧匠,能工巧匠中的大学生。 鉴于我的家庭情况以及我的综合表现,我认为自己符合此次x奖学金的申请条件,特在此提出申请。请各位领导予以审核。 此致 敬礼! 英语社的申请书篇5 dear x, ever since i have had the ability to understand it, i have been fascinatedby the english language. as a child, i would either be writing, reading ortelling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction andnon-fiction texts from a variety of genres and eras. this passion for language has led me to many different extra-curricularactivities. for the past four years, i have attended a youth theatre each weekwhere we concentrate very much on both improvised and scripted drama but alsohave done work on stage management, stage make-up, singing, and signed singing(an interest which begun with my learning of both violin and double bass tograde 4 standard). with this same organisation, i have volunteered for the past three years atone of the children’s groups where i work helping with drama, music and art. itwas with this same organisation that i decided to learn sign language.i haverecently gained my british sign language level 1 certificate and am nowbeginning a level 2 course. i began learning sign language at the same time asstarting my a-level in english language and literature, a course i have foundextremely interesting. taking these two courses concurrently was very excitingfor me as learning more about the linguistics of the english language enabled meto make comparisons between the two languages. these interests have led me to this course which i not only feel suits myneeds and interests aptly, but also excites me in its course content. althoughi’ve enjoyed all of my a-level english language and literature course but havefound a few parts of it particularly interesting. i specifically enjoyed ourcoursework tasks for our as level as it included writing a piece of originalfiction, an aspect of english which i have always enjoyed. i also enjoyed thetask of performing a monologue as i have missed not being able to study drama asa subject. i try to follow my interests outside of school and so attend a wide varietyof theatre productions, art exhibitions, musical performances and subjectrelated lectures. when studying psychology last year, i attended a largepsychology conference with a variety of speakers which was both helpful andinteresting. last year i also attended an ‘art master class’ organised withmiddlesex university and with nine other students, it gave more opportunity formore detailed and involved discussions. i have not yet had the opportunity toattend an english related lecture but look forward to a study day in march whichwill aid me with my study of shakespeare’s antony and cleopatra. alongside this and my voluntary work with the drama organisation, i haveworked in a variety of jobs which have all helped to develop my sense ofresponsibility as they were dependent on both teamwork and co-operation but alsomy use of initiative.i have chosen to defer my entry to 20xx as i plan tocomplete a voluntary teaching placement in africa. the prospect of thisplacement excites me as it will give me the opportunity to travel, to meet newpeople, to experience new cultures, and, above all, help out where much help isneeded. i feel that taking a gap year is going to benefit me greatly as it willenable me to gain valuable life skills that will benefit me both at universitybut also in whatever i choose to do following university whether it be apostgraduate course or work. yours sincerely, 乌克兰留学衣食住行一览 一、衣?? 乌克兰人在穿衣上面还是很讲究的,乌克兰的女性服装的样式很独特,服装上面绣了各种图案,一般都是穿的浅色的衬衣。乌克兰的男性也都穿的衬衫和宽松的裤子,平常男性喜欢穿的外套是夹克,他们冬天几乎是不会穿保暖裤的。 二、饮食 乌克兰的饮食和俄罗斯的饮食有点相似,他们都喜欢吃面食和稻米,还有面包和肉类,吃的口味偏甜。乌克兰人吃的食物都是热量偏高的,像牛奶、咖啡和油炸的食物。你要是不喜欢这种饮食的话,你可以去找找乌克兰的中国餐厅吃饭,不过在乌克兰的中国餐厅吃要比本地的餐厅还要贵,最实惠的就是自己去超市买一些蔬菜和肉类自己开始烹饪,食材的价格还是比较合理的,不会出现很贵的价格的。 三、住宿 乌克兰所有的学校都是有独立的学生公寓,去这里学习的学生大多数都能住到学校的公寓,一般都是两个人或者是三个人一间房间。乌克兰一些有名的学校的宿舍会给学生提供很齐全的.宿舍用品。如果你要是在乌克兰租房子的话,是可以租带房东的房子,也可以租独立的房子,这两种房子的价格都不是很贵,房东还会给你提供很实用的家庭必备品,水电费和网络费是基本不包含在你的房租里面的。在你租的里面是可以自己做饭,带有厨房和厨房用品,做饭是很方便的。 四、出行 乌克兰的交通还算是比较发达的,最方便的出行方式就是坐地铁,地铁是非常方便的跟国内的差不多,都是一个城市有几条地铁的线路,你要去哪里就选哪条去坐,地铁的价格也不贵,而且每个站的车费都是一样的。除了地铁之外还有公交和有轨电车,公交车是通往乌克兰城市的各个地方,车票就跟中国的地铁票差不多。学生出行还可以打车,跟中国一样要使用打车的软件。 挪威留学本科需要多少费用 一、学杂费 成功进入公立大学学习的学生,只需要支付20xx-3000元的注册费,注册自己的合法入学的学生身份,不过这类院校的竞争是非常激烈的,大家的准备必须要很充分,而且确认自己的能力足够优秀。 私立院校的入读门槛会稍低一些,但是收费就是欧洲的平均标准,大家进入专业开始正常的学习,需要支付一学年5-10万元的学习费用,大家要在学年正式开始之前缴清,这样才可以开始学习。 二、生活费 1.住宿 大家如果申请了宿舍的入住,并且成功的拿到了资格之后,需要先缴纳定金,或者直接支付全款,房租也是一个月一个月缴清的,为大家提供的是双人间带卫浴,一个月20xx元左右。 一般一年新生期度过之后,大家就需要搬出来给新的学生腾位置,大家就需要自己租房,周边会有专门出租的公寓,有不同房型可以选择,空间会更大,环境也会好一些,一个月在3000-5000元之间。 2.吃饭 学校就会有食堂,大家不用担心没有物美价廉的选择,资助会有大量的菜色可以选择,而且味道价格都很不错,一般一天最多需要100元,一个月加起来需要3000元左右,还可以偶尔吃大餐。 想省钱的话建议大家自己买菜做饭,因为一般专业的课程任务不会很重,大家每天做饭也不会耽误时间,可以将吃的成本压缩到20xx元左右,这样可以让自己的加餐变得更豪华。 3.其他 出门还需要坐车代步,大家提前办好了卡之后,可以直接刷卡,这样既方便又省钱,一个月平均500元左右;还要记得买好基础的医疗保险,一个月只需要300元左右就可以享受高比例的医疗报销。 日用品的采购大家可以等到商场超市有比较大的折扣的时候去,这样可以华比平时更少的钱,主要就包括洗护日用类,还要考虑到衣服的需求,预算一个月1500元左右。 英语社的申请书篇6 dear leaders: hello! i am a senior science student in __ province ? middle school _?. i hope torealize my dream of studying with your school. thank you for taking the timefrom your busy schedule to review my self-recommended materials.? i have always had a dream. i dream of studying in __, dreaming of beingmoisturized by __ with a long history and profound cultural heritage. i had excellent academic performance since i was a child. with my ownefforts, i was admitted to jingdezhen no. 2 middle school and entered theolympiad class with the citys tenth outstanding high school entranceexamination results. after three years of training, i have grown from a simpleignorant boy to a high school student who loves life, pursues knowledge, isenergetic, compassionate, and has a comprehensive development of morality,intelligence, and physical fitness.? i love life, and i have always been confident and hopeful in life. in thisbeautiful world, i enjoy the beauty of spring flowers, the warmth of autumnmoon, the passion of summer rain, and the purity of winter snow. i am sunshine,i am happy, i love every river, every mountain, every person, and i loveeverything i have. even in the third year of high school, i am painful andhappy. i also hope to pass on happiness to everyone around me. i cheer for thestrong and shed tears for the weak. i believe in the fragrance of roses in thehands of others, and the truth, goodness and beauty in the world. for thisreason, people around me like me very much and call me "pistachio". i pursue knowledge with the same enthusiasm. i am eager to understand thehuman mind, to explore the manufacturing process of robots, to understand thecauses of the financial crisis, and to know the content of the "six-partytalks". so i love learning and reading. wandering in the sea of books,constantly thinking, and constantly comprehending, the joy is endless. thepursuit of knowledge has not only increased my knowledge and broadened myhorizons; it also cultivated my interest and improved my temperament; it alsoallowed me to nurture my temperament and balance my mind.? my energy stems from the love of life and the passion for knowledge. in termsof study, i work hard and have excellent grades. the grades of the high schoolquality inspection examinations are among the best in the school. i won thesecond prize in the 24th high school chemistry competition (provincialcompetition area) this year. in addition to studying well, i have been servingas the deputy monitor and also actively participate in various activitiesorganized by the school. i can be seen in basketball games, football games,campus singer contests, social practice and other activities, which not onlyimproves my ability, but also exercises my courage.? but i know that i am only "the little lotus with sharp horns". the road tobecoming a talent is long and i must continue to forge and improve myself. if iam fortunate enough to be able to enter my dream palace for further study, iwill definitely search from top to bottom and sharpen myself into an outstandingtalent with unique cultural taste, extraordinary talents and good comprehensivequalities, who dare to dare to fight.? so here i implore the leaders of your school to give me a chance to realizemy dream.? sincerely? salute! 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